New Member
Hello @Malfurion
Welcome to Bionic Turtle! I see that you just purchased one of our study packages recently. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean by the "new" questions. Our new practice questions are all published in the PDF files in the study planner. They are first posted in the forum here: and then when we have a full set of questions for that specific reading or chapter, they are published as a Practice Question PDF. The only new practice questions that I have not published yet are the ones that were posted in the forum this week on Monday for Topic 10. Those will be published in a PDF set today.
We retain the older questions in the PDF set if they are relevant, but the new practice questions are always added at the very top of the PQ set so you don't need to go line by line (sorry I'm not really sure what you are referring to here...are you referring to the airtable XLS where we list all of our practice questions?) If so, that is updated once per month with the new practice questions that were published. You will see that there is a column that says "Active" and the answer for each practice question will be "True" or "False" which means they are either still relevant or not relevant to the current curriculum. This is a guide for those who would like to see what we offer for practice questions and it also helps us to keep our practice questions organized. As a member, you don't need to use that XLS to find the new practice questions, as they are always posted in the forum and then published in the study planner.
Also, I update this thread every time a practice question set is published so you can easily see when new PQs are added to the study planner: We also have a very useful FAQ page here that explains our practice question process: . I hope this helps to explain our process, as we have tried to make it as easy as possible to quickly find the new PQs.
Nicole thank you so so much! You're absolutely right, I was not clear in the first place.
Basically what happened is that on July 22 I downloaded all .pdfs from the Study Planner section. Ever since then I started working on the exercises from the .pdfs.
Yesterday I happened to have cleared them all (some were very, very challenging!), so I accessed the website and landed on this very interesting page ( where I saw the very same exercises I cleared, plus some others I didn't see. Thus I concluded, there may have been more questions in there!
Cool, I'll then head to the forum to check what exercises I have already cleared and what others I didn't.
Thanks again!