FAQ Before Exam Study notes for Rene Stulz?


New Member

Do you know when will the study notes for Rene Stulz, "Risk-Taking and Risk Management by Banks" will be available?

Or does anyone know where can I find the original text?

Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member

Do you know when will the study notes for Rene Stulz, "Risk-Taking and Risk Management by Banks" will be available?

Or does anyone know where can I find the original text?

Thank you in advance!
Hi - when you say the "original" text, are you referring to anything other than what's being sold by GARP as the study material?

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Do you know when will the study notes for Rene Stulz, "Risk-Taking and Risk Management by Banks" will be available?

Or does anyone know where can I find the original text?

Thank you in advance!
Hello @yjpark0621

Please see our announcement HERE in the forum regarding any materials that have not been updated or published yet. GARP provides the original readings for the current FRM curriculum for purchase on their website.

Thank you,
