secondary securities?


New Member

In the first outline you describe secondary securities as "issued by banks and backed by primary
securities.", Would please give me an example of secondary securities, and explain their what qualify a security as "secondary securities". are CMO/MBS are example?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi adam,

I did retain that primary/secondary distinction from last year (or maybe even the 2008 FRM?), but I'm not sure I'm proud of the distinction frankly; i.e., i'm not really comfortable defending it (sorry)

I think the idea with "secondary" is to describe a security that instead of a "primary" claim on real assets (sometimes you even see primary call "physical" debt or equity) the claim is on a financial asset-as-intermediate; e.g., corporation issues (host) debt and this is primary as the bond/debt holder has a claim on real corporate assets. Okay, now if you issues notes (securities) against a POOL of these primary bonds, then you'd have "secondary" bonds b/c this CDO/CBO has financial collateral (bonds) rather than issuer (physical) collateral. I think that was the intended distinction....if i am right, than the key issue is "what is the collateral underlying the notes?"

if that's correct, then IMO yes, both MBS (collateral = mortgage bonds) and CMO (collateral = same but add structured notes) would qualify as "secondary" here

Here is a brief summary of CFA podcast by Chris Finger who characterized by "distance to assets;"
i.e., ABS = first-order and CDO = second-order
... IMO, both ABS & CDO would be both "secondary" again the issue seems to be "what is the collateral and how removed is our ownership from physical ownership"

I kept it so it's my fault...but FWIW, I've found the semantics around this sometimes distracting; e.g., here wise Econ of Contempt reminds everybody that CDOs are securities not derivatives and we'd safely dub them a "secondary security" ... but I'm unsure how either "secondary" or "security" makes a practical difference...

Hope that helps (I don't think i'll further retain the primary/secondary unless I can find/confirm a more satisfactory answer to your question..)
