Risk Appetite

Gerard Chan

New Member
Hi David

I'm not able to clearly differentiate risk appetite vs risk tolerance? Would you be able to help clear this confusion?

What about risk capacity? It's risk capacity = risk tolerance?
Thank you.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Did you try question 301.3 http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/p1-t1-301-enterprise-risk-management-erm.6666/
... i don't want to spoil the fun for you ;)

If you want more, my question is based on the assigned IFC reading, which includes a distinction between risk appetite and risk tolerance on page 15 here at
https://www.dropbox.com/s/k07g6j2dkwqzqcs/1. RiskTakingGovernancePrespective.pdf

Re: risk capacity: unlike risk appetite and risk tolerance (which i do experience as somewhat conventional at the corporate level), I don't experience that as a conventional term of art at the corporate (ERM) level. To me, it connotes a personal (individual) financial planning factor ... but that's just my view, perhaps somebody has defined it technically in the ERM context (but it's never appeared formally in the FRM, i can tell you), thanks,