Results Delayed???


Well-Known Member
I went to GARP today and clicked on the register button and it stated "...once results are released on July 23.."

Anyone else see this?
yes... but i think it's a typo. results for nov was online a week earlier than anticipated too.
Became curious after reading this thread and logged into GARP website and went to the Registration page, it is allowing me to register for Part 2 exam. So I feel it is over for me. Anyways, it was looking like a borderline case for me. ATB. :)
Oh man....I just went too.

It is allowing me to select Level II only....I would like to think that this means I passed Level I.

PASSED!!!!! (2,1,1,2)

If you haven't received your email results, you can go to the GARP Website, and click on the Quicklinks in the lower right of the webpage. Then under FRM Exam Services, click on Historical Quartile Results and then click on Show Result! Good luck!
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don't get your hopes up yet until it's official guys! If the exam result page is correct we will know tomorrow.
Oh man....I just went too.

It is allowing me to select Level II only....I would like to think that this means I passed Level I.


If you haven't received your email results, you can go to the GARP Website, and click on the Quicklinks in the lower right of the webpage. Then under FRM Exam Services, click on Historical Quartile Results and then click on Show Result! Good luck!

Did the same. Showing I got 1211 for Level 1 and PASSED !!
David is suspiciously quiet....he must be sitting back and taking in all the accolades....even if he is on vacation! (Might I add .... well-deserved accolades!!!)

I'm sure David will be very excited to see all of your responses on here and he will be so happy to see that so many of you have passed :) I know that when I go on vacation, especially to a quiet place, I make sure that I don't have internet access so I can fully enjoy my vacation haha.