Hi David,
Just noticed that Crouhy, et al. mention that "Goodwill is also depreciated over time" on page 150. If I recall correctly, under FASB, Goodwill is not amortized but is tested for impairment and charged of appropriately if impairment exists. However, there seems to be an exception, based on an update released on 1/16/2014 for private businesses who can amortize goodwill over 10 years. Goodwill in the RAROC calculation is used in the RAROC denominator as a subset of strategic risk capital. My question is do you think they mean that you amortize it ONLY for calculating economic capital or are they making a general statement about how businesses treat Goodwill for accounting and economic capital purposes?
FASB release: http://www.fasb.org/cs/ContentServer?pagename=FASB/FASBContent_C/NewsPage&cid=1176163742955
Just noticed that Crouhy, et al. mention that "Goodwill is also depreciated over time" on page 150. If I recall correctly, under FASB, Goodwill is not amortized but is tested for impairment and charged of appropriately if impairment exists. However, there seems to be an exception, based on an update released on 1/16/2014 for private businesses who can amortize goodwill over 10 years. Goodwill in the RAROC calculation is used in the RAROC denominator as a subset of strategic risk capital. My question is do you think they mean that you amortize it ONLY for calculating economic capital or are they making a general statement about how businesses treat Goodwill for accounting and economic capital purposes?
FASB release: http://www.fasb.org/cs/ContentServer?pagename=FASB/FASBContent_C/NewsPage&cid=1176163742955