Quartile Results


New Member
Quartile results are available on the GARP website. I passed Level 1 and am in the camp that thought I had very little chance walking out of the exam. My results are as follows:

Foundations of Risk Management - 2nd Quartile
Quantitative Analysis - 1st Quartile
Financial Markets and Products - 3rd Quartile
Valuation and Risk Models - 1st Quartile

Many thanks to David and the people at Bionic Turtle - I would never have passed without you. I recommended BT to friends while studying for the exam and will continue to do so.
Hi thanks Clark, for sharing this information. :)

Does GARP reveal to us the quartile for our overall score?
No, just the quartile by subject. It's interesting but not much to go on considering there is no way to tell where you fall in the quartile.
Hi David&Suzanne;
here is my quartile analysis for FRMFull exam 2009

• Foundations of Risk Management 10% 2nd Quartile
• Quantitative Analysis 10% 1st Quartile
• Financial Markets and Products 15% 3rd Quartile
• Valuation and Risk Models 15% 1st Quartile
• Market Risk Measurement and Management 10% 2nd Quartile
• Credit Risk Measurement and Management 10% 1st Quartile
• Operational and Integrated Risk Management 10% 4th Quartile
• Risk Management and Investment Management 10% 1st Quartile
• Current Issues in Financial Markets 10% 2nd Quartile

Don't know how to thank BT enough!!!! I would have not made it without BT (The Jorion's handbook for me was a nightmare to start with). I wish all the very best and will continue to spread words around here in Thailand about how great your web tutorial is!! :cheese:
Here is how my study was :10 hrs /week for 13 weeks ( 130 hrs including practice exams) Material used : 90%BT notes+vdo tutorial(didn't do the practice due to time limit) +10% ALL question inJorion'shandbook+CD+ 2 GARP'FRM Practice exams
My background: Bachelor in Chem engineering+ MBA in strategic MGMT +Current job as Proprietary trader (3.5 yrs)+ Failed candidate ofCFA level2 Last June(Band 10)
Hope some may find this info useful
I passed the Full exam within the 1st quartile in all topics but Risk Management and Investment Management, which I got the 2nd quartile.
Cheers from Brazil
Thanks to BT. I luckily passed Lv1 Exam with all subjects in 1st Quantile. This was contrast to my feeling when I just finished the exam. Perhaps I was lucky in guessing some of the answer correctly (about 25 guesses)!!

Digg, Bangkok, Thailand

PS: Is there anybody from Thailand who passed LV1?
I am from Toronto site.
I averaged 2nd Quartile in all sections. I suffered a great deal during morning session and came back aggressively in the afternoon hoping that pass rate would be easy enough or that there are sufficiently ill-prepared candidates. I completed half of the morning questions in 2 hours with half an hour left to attack other 35 questions, and even for the first 35 questions I had possibly 5-10 guesses. I left about 15 questions in 2nd half of 35 questions in morning completely blank, rushed for the other ones. I was very discouraged during lunch hour.

I did poorly in current issues and credit risk and financial instruments, but very well otherwise, though I don't know how much that has to do with the set of questions I didn't read. I certainly felt the Quantitative questions in afternoon to be all right.

In afternoon, I was able to answer all questions but just barely with maybe 5 wild guesses and possibly 10-15 educated guesses. I set up to read short questions on any set of 2 pages all the time for answering as reading time seems to be a factor in this type of exam, particularly morning. That's a strategy I should have used in morning but had not anticipated such difficulty.

I avoided reading the AIM completely, which was a big mistake. I purchased only Handbook from Jorion and provided practice exams from FRM and studied strictly from that. I didn't register to BT nor competitor's guides, but browsed through BT's open area (blogs mostly) quite a bit in last 4 weeks. I studied about 15+ hours a week since April, which includes reading a few times Jorion's Handbook, which I thought was well written.

I am in my 40s, have strong math educational background, and read a lot of material on Market Risk prior to studying exam but not on other topics. It looks like the pass rate is less than 40% for Full (what I signed up for).

I'd advise students to register for BT and aim at very top for a number of reasons: better chance to pass of course, but feeling much less nervous during a tough exam (I almost broke down in morning), BUT ALSO get better in this field and acquire a genuine interest and knowledge of the field. Aiming to be nearly as well prepared as the top smartest 5-8 bloggers of BT would be a guarantee of success (say ajsa for instance).

Supporting SJWong on comparison between BT and main competitor, anecdotally, the candidates sitting next to me went with competitor and were not impressed with the help it provided in light of difficulty of exam. I was impressed with BT but cannot fully appreciate the extent of service since I was not paying member.

Kudos to David and those who passed, and for those who didn't, don't despair, but do take this exam very very seriously if you intend to come back. It IS very hard.
Hoorays to David and the forum member! I am indebted to all of you.I scored all in 1st and 2nd quartile; 1st quartile in Foundations of Risk Management, Quantitative Analysis,Market Risk Measurement and Management , Valuation and Risk Models,Credit Risk Measurement and Management and Risk Management and Investment Management, and 2nd quartile in Financial Markets and Products , Operational and Integrated Risk Management, and Current Issues in Financial Markets.

I think to score well in the exam, one needs to really spend the time UNDERSTANDING the stuff, to do that one needs to read, and do problems. I spent close to 10-12 hours a week on the average from 4/26. I had plenty of background and experience in this. For those new to finance should prepare to spend extensive amount of time on it. The questions and answers on this forum are really great. I read the FRM handbook, the Hull's book and the readings for newer ideas. You have to know the hypothesis testing, BS, binomial trees, Monte Carlo, VaRs, Basel II and really all the things. Then do the practice tests. Time yourself; and know how you will pace yourself during the exam. I allowed myself 2 min per question and then every 20 min i caught myself up with the timing to avoid getting stuck with one hard question. It paid off. The exam was 2-3 times harder that the practice test. Organize yourself, ask questions here, read the exam problems posted by the staff. read others' questions and answers: Keeping up with the forum itself is a big task, so i used the search for areas I had some questions. Good luck! My next stop- ERP!
Hi dookdiggs,

I'm from Thailand, Bangkok too...I gave the full FRM Exam and passed. I do have a friend or two who did Lv1. you can contact me at vishan88(at)gmail.com

and congrats to all u guys how passed the exam. I somehow made it too :p but I was surprised by seeing my quartile results... I had most of 1st quartiles but for OpRisk, i got a 4th quartile :( I didnt knw u cud pass with a 4th quartile..??

Also, is anyone aware of the passing rate this year for the FULL FRM Exam. When will the statistics be posted ??

Hi David
This was my 1st attempt and i got second quartile in 3 topics (Foundations of Risk Management, Quantitative Analysis, Valuation and Risk Models) and 4th quartile in Financial Markets and Products. Please let me know what should be my strategy to pass the exam in 2018. I will be highly grateful as i want to get over it ASAP