Quant Video Cast-PDF Location??


Hi David,
Appologies in advance,but I can so see to locate the PDF presentation referenced in the Quant 2009 screencasts.Can you pls advise

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Paul,

If you are viewing the tutorial page (after you've clicked on the link for the specific tutorial; there are several under quantiative), the right sidebar contains information then three icons.

Here is an example of sidebar:


the first icon (download) = windows media (.wmv)
the second icon (Document) = an Adobe PDF version of the PowerPoint document
the third is ipod



Hi David,
I tried clicking the Adobe/pdf but I get an error msg: "There was an error opening the dicument.The file can not be found".

I tried this for each of the Quant links. Is this local to my machine? thks

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Paul,

I just checked the links and they do seem to be correcly pointed to the PDF. Can you try two things, and if they don't work, we will send them to you (if that's okay). But one of these two things generally work:

1. Check your browser security; most common is the browser is blocking the download (or, you can try a different browser; e.g., IE or firefox)
2. Try right-clicking and "Save As" to local rather than a direct link on the file

Let me know, if this doesn't work, Suzanne will send you zipped PDFs and we will have tech look into it
(it's the first occurence of this in regard to PDFs, so I bet you can dload them....)
