Properties of Stock Options


New Member

From HULL, in the chapter on Properties of Options there is a table , which shows the effect on the price of STOCK option of increasing one variable(e.g. Current Stock price, strike price, interest rate etc. ) while keeping others constant.

My question is for BOND or any other fixed income security DO WE have the SAME table work????

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Not really. The option under BSM has the inputs as risk factors, so an option is complex in the sense it has 5-6 risk factors.
But the FRM tends to treat the bond only in regard to the interest rate risk factor. Of course there are details around that one risk factor; e.g., is it yield (YTM), forward rate or spot rate .... and often, the assumption is yield (e.g., DV01). So, often, the focus is simply: higher yield (YTM) implies lower bond price.
.. but note bond has a term also, just like option (T)

so just as the option risk factors following from the option pricing model; i.e., c = BSM [stock, strike, ...]

the most basic bond pricing model is given by zero coupon continuous compound:
price = face * EXP[-rT]
... you can see here there are only 2 inputs: yield and term.
