

New Member
Dear fellow BT members:

Can you recommend good INTRO books that will make the assigned Gujarati chapters easier to comprehend?

I am currently browsing the following book:
-> Humongous book of Statistics Problems by W. Michael Kelley

What else can you recommend?

Thanks in advance

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

I don't have compelling recommendations in this regard (you may be aware that Gujarait publishes a "more basic" version of his econometrics text: I own a 4th edition but the reason I can't recommend it is, in my opinion, is mostly duplicative and roughly at the same level).

(I am a fan of Introductory Econometrics
... having used some of their examples in webinars ... this book helped me to grasp OLS like no other via the hands-on exercises ... however, I think the book requires a TIME INVESTMENT so caveat attached...)

That leaves my other favorite resource: the CFA curriculum. The CFA textbooks do not cover everything (it is not quite a 1:1 correspondence with econometrics), but where they do, i think they are the best.
... I am unsure about their availability to non-CFA, but see:
and this book may be helpful:

the other "strategy" is to go slow with Gujarati and try to sweat his problems (Q&A) one at a time...

hope this helps, David