Portfolio VaR

Hi David,

I have run into the formula VaR(port)=sqrt(VaR1^2+VaR2^2+2*rho*VaR1*VaR2) a couple of times but it does not always seem to work. For instance, I when given the following problem there seem to be two ways to do it that give me different answers.

Asset A: $800,000, E(R)=9%, sigma=15%
Asset B: $200,000, E(R)=18%, sigma=15%

If I do this with the dollar VaR formula above I get $146,811.

If instead I find the portfolio E(R) and portfolio sigma and THEN apply
VaR=1,000,000(1.65*sigma-E(R)) I get $128,280.

I checked my numbers a couple of times and I do not seem to be making any arithmetic mistakes. I assume that the dollar VaR formula is inappropriate in the case for some reason. My guess is that it has something to do with the drift but I have no idea if that is correct or not.

Any hep you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help you could provide,

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Mike,

The first formula only works for relative VaR (i.e., without drift term): as you suggest, absolute VaR includes the drift, and if you see this thread from last year, I illustrated its failure for absolute VaR (http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/var-converting-time-horizon.4013/#post-10554). I imagine there is an analytical equivalent for the absolute VaR, but it appears non-trivial and not worth the effort. I think it only make sense to apply the portfolio drift AFTER. I assume your numbers work if you break your second into two parts?:

VaR=1,000,000*1.65*sigma-1,000,000*E(R); and just apply the formula to get (1,000,000*1.65*sigma). This term is relative VaR and they should definitely match on this term.

Here is the "proof" in case it's interesting:
VaR(P$) = W(P$)*deviate*SQRT[w(a%)^2*sigma(a%)^2 + w(b%)^2*sigma(b%)^2 + 2*w(a%)*w(b%)*COV(a,b)],
VaR(P)^2 = W(P$)^2*deviate^2*[w(a%)^2*sigma(a)^2 + w(b%)^2*sigma(b)^2 + 2*w(a%)*w(b%)*COV(a,b),
VaR(P)^2 = [W(P$)^2*deviate^2*w(a%)^2*sigma(a)^2)] + (W(P$)^2*deviate^2*w(b%)^2*sigma(b)^2) + W(P$)^2*deviate^2*2*w(a%)*w(b%)*COV(a,b),

as W($P)^2*deviate^2*w(a%)^2*sigma(a)^2 = [W(P)*deviate*w(a%)*sigma(a)]^2, and W($P)*w(a%) = w($a):
VaR(P)^2 = VaR(a$)^2 + VaR(b$)^2 + W(P$)^2*deviate^2*2*w(a%)*w(b%)*COV(a,b),
VaR(P)^2 = VaR(a$)^2 + VaR(b$)^2 + [W(P$)*w(a%)*deviate] * [W(P$)*w(b%)*deviate]*2*COV(a,b); as COV = sigma(a)*sigma(b)*correlation(a,b):
VaR(P)^2 = VaR(a$)^2 + VaR(b$)^2 + [W(P$)*w(a%)*deviate*sigma(a)] * [W(P$)*w(b%)*deviate*sigma(b)]*2*correlation(a,b),
VaR(P)^2 = VaR(a$)^2 + VaR(b$)^2 + 2*VaR(a$) * VaR(B$) * correlation(a,b),
VaR(P$) = SQRT[VaR(a$)^2 + VaR(b$)^2 + 2*VaR(a$) * VaR(B$) * correlation(a,b)]

Thanks, David