Part 1 topics required for Part 2.


New Member

Apologies if this question has been answered previously but could not find any thread with the specific info I am looking for.

I have taken the FRM Part 1 exam sometime in 2021 and since then have not been able to keep pace with the statistics related topics. Now I am planning to sit for Part 2 in Nov'24 and when trying to cover the Credit Risks, found great difficulty in understanding the VAR related concepts.

While I understand that Part 1 serves as a pre-requisite, however can anyone help list the key topics of Part 1 that I should revisit for studying the Part 2 exam.

Thanks in advance.


FRM Content Developer
Staff member

Apologies if this question has been answered previously but could not find any thread with the specific info I am looking for.

I have taken the FRM Part 1 exam sometime in 2021 and since then have not been able to keep pace with the statistics related topics. Now I am planning to sit for Part 2 in Nov'24 and when trying to cover the Credit Risks, found great difficulty in understanding the VAR related concepts.

While I understand that Part 1 serves as a pre-requisite, however can anyone help list the key topics of Part 1 that I should revisit for studying the Part 2 exam.

Thanks in advance.
VaR, historical var, credit VAR, credit losses, default correlations. There is a list. But best to read that last book on valuations from part 1. In any case just jump to level 2 you'll be fine. I had 4 year gap in between, but nothing much to be honest. P2 will make you revisit everything :)
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