Exam Feedback October 2020 Part 2 Exam Feedback

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Active Member
Let's hope that all passing is not another mistake by them...

Did anyone receive an official e-mail? Already did not receive one for part 1 last year.

Nope. No e-mail yet. But does it really matter at this point?

I just submitted my little job description experience thing. Anyone know the turnaround time for it?


New Member
Passed, with 1 1 1 1 1 2.

I downloaded my results letter, just so I have it in case of another irregularity.

Congratulations to all who psssed and commiserations to those who didn't quite make it!


New Member
Passed! Even though admittedly quite barely but pass is a pass! But I only had 3 weeks of prep time just before October after everything was cancelled in May...


New Member
yayks, passed. Did not expect that, thank you BT.
funny thing: i started studying 5 weeks before exam but only doing questions from BT, still made it (4-6 hrs per day)


New Member
Put my supervisor into the field "Manager" as I thought I was asked for my manager's name. Do you think this might be an issue?
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