Exam Feedback November 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
Are you guys sure that status update start as of "now"?
Believe the results are out only during EST (on 3rd Jan)
As of now, it is still 2nd Jan in New York, and its 11:30AM EST.
So still at least 12+ hrs to go


New Member
Are you guys sure that status update start as of "now"?
Believe the results are out only during EST (on 3rd Jan)
As of now, it is still 2nd Jan in New York, and its 11:30AM EST.
So still at least 12+ hrs to go

I think people are waiting for the hints, like registering exams and changing enrollment message.


New Member
Just spoke to GARP office here in New Jersey.
They confirmed no updates will happen before tomorrow, 3rd Jan here EST time.
So sleep tight.
Good luck


New Member
I looked into last year's chat and found the following: Somebody observed that the footnote in "My Programs" changed (enrollment expiry increases by one year). NicBeiHoff looked into the underlying code and believed this is a true indicator for a PASS in the exam. This happened at the 2nd of Jan - one day earlier than announced. This is nothing official and I'll wait for the proper GARP email - but give it a spin if you can't wait.



New Member
Just spoke to GARP office here in New Jersey.
They confirmed no updates will happen before tomorrow, 3rd Jan here EST time.
So sleep tight.
Good luck

In years past (even when they said no updates would happen before the official results date) people could tell their results based on changes in the GARP website. Last session I am sure if you asked them on June 27th the day before official results on June 28th, GARP would say no update will be given until the offical date, but people were still able to tell.

Also, if this is any help 2 days ago I checked: https://www.garp.org/#!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm2/2018-11-18 and saw my name. Now though this page returns no hits for any name.


Active Member
In years past (even when they said no updates would happen before the official results date) people could tell their results based on changes in the GARP website. Last session I am sure if you asked them on June 27th the day before official results on June 28th, GARP would say no update will be given until the offical date, but people were still able to tell.

Also, if this is any help 2 days ago I checked: https://www.garp.org/#!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm2/2018-11-18 and saw my name. Now though this page returns no hits for any name.

Did you do the exam on november?


New Member
Did you do the exam on november?
Yes. but this link seems fishy. IT returns the same lists sometimes regardless of the level and date, and changes constantly. I would not put much thought into it. I got the same list of names for the Nov and May sessions on my last test so that cant be right.


Active Member
Yes. but this link seems fishy. IT returns the same lists sometimes regardless of the level and date, and changes constantly. I would not put much thought into it. I got the same list of names for the Nov and May sessions on my last test so that cant be right.
It should be the May list i think


New Member
In years past (even when they said no updates would happen before the official results date) people could tell their results based on changes in the GARP website. Last session I am sure if you asked them on June 27th the day before official results on June 28th, GARP would say no update will be given until the offical date, but people were still able to tell.

Also, if this is any help 2 days ago I checked: https://www.garp.org/#!/frm/our-passed-frms/frm2/2018-11-18 and saw my name. Now though this page returns no hits for any name.

I can't see my name...GG
For FRM Part1 last year (November 2017), I got the message change hint an hour before the current time now.... I believe results are uploaded first for Part1....


New Member
yeah I think it is loading stale results. I looked up 4 random names from the list, found them on linked in and all are already full fledged FRMS.

Nicole on another thread posted that GARP said they will not update this list until after Jan3rd. Maybe they changed their policy?