Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
Passed with 1, 1, 1, 1, 1!!!

Congrats to all who passed, good luck for those who have to retake, and thanks so much David and Nicole!!
I passed as well.

I'll also like to thank David @David Harper CFA FRM and Nicole @Nicole Seaman!

Though I didn't use BT to prepare..., David's free youtube videos were very instrumental in me passing part 2! Absolutely fantastic!

I'm so glad to be done on my first attempt!

Congrats to all candidates who passed. And to those who didn't, never give up..., for persistence and determination always pays off.

Cheers all and happy new year!


Barely passed but I'll take it. I took 2 bathroom breaks, 1 water break and thought I was going to pass out in the 2nd hour.

Part 1 study: 3 Hours - May 2016 exam (Passed 1st Attempt - using some Schweser notes)
Part 2 Study: 200 hours - Nov 2017 exam (Passed 1st Attempt - using bionic turtle only )

Thanks David and Nicole for making this goal attainable!
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Relieved that I passed considering that I totally messed up my exam timing and had to skim read so many of those rather long questions.

Would like to say a BIG thank you to David and Nicole as without BT Imdoubt I would have made it. As I mentioned last year, the value of BT are the fantastic questions.

To those who did not make it through this time. Please do not give up. By sitting the exam you will be able to improve your proper and hit the ball outta the park in May.

If anyone from GARP reads this forum, please consider putting a clock at all exam sites. The CFA institute are able to do this by connecting a laptop to a projector. It would greatly help candidates pace themselves. I feel it is especially necessary since we are not aloud to bring in analogue watches (it’s obvious and completely understandable why smart ones are banned).

Anyway, big thank you to the BT team as well as the participants in the forums (as they have helped me a lot during this journey).


Relieved that I passed considering that I totally messed up my exam timing and had to skim read so many of those rather long questions.

Would like to say a BIG thank you to David and Nicole as without BT Imdoubt I would have made it. As I mentioned last year, the value of BT are the fantastic questions.

To those who did not make it through this time. Please do not give up. By sitting the exam you will be able to improve your proper and hit the ball outta the park in May.

If anyone from GARP reads this forum, please consider putting a clock at all exam sites. The CFA institute are able to do this by connecting a laptop to a projector. It would greatly help candidates pace themselves. I feel it is especially necessary since we are not aloud to bring in analogue watches (it’s obvious and completely understandable why smart ones are banned).

Anyway, big thank you to the BT team as well as the participants in the forums (as they have helped me a lot during this journey).



"The CFA institute are able to do this by connecting a laptop to a projector."

Are you sure about that? They use a flip board just like GARP if I can remember.


"The CFA institute are able to do this by connecting a laptop to a projector."

Are you sure about that? They use a flip board just like GARP if I can remember.
At the Exel Center in London I recall they did both. Perhaps I should have clarified that point.