Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

I can see the form to register for both Part I and II. But my situation is a bit particular; as I passed Part I in November 2013, last November was the end of my "4-year window".

Also, this is what I see on my dashboard,

FRM Exam Part I November 16, 2013 Passed
FRM Exam Part II November 18, 2017 Registered

Your enrollment has expired.

:confused::confused::confused: a bit confusing...

You passed Part 1 in 2013. You have until 4 years from that date to pass Part 2.

"Your enrollment has expired" means you will have to re-enroll for Part I..., and start all over again if you don't pass Part 2.


New Member
Did that just change or has it always been like that since after the exam in Nov 2017?

What is weird is that I already have a working link to re-enroll which takes me to a payment page.

Not sure when that changed, I didn't check the website until today.
What is weird is that I already have a working link to re-enroll which takes me to a payment page.

Not sure when that changed, I didn't check the website until today.

takes it to a payment page to re-enroll for Part 1 or Part 2?

And did you sign in before trying to re-enroll? or this is done without signing in first?
I think this is a specific matter for candidates who are at the very end of their four year window to pass Pt 2.

The vast majority are not in that situation and as things stand there is no tell for us.

Looking at the Pt 1 forum, it seems the "usual" tell of a statement that they have four years to pass Pt 2 has worked again. So let's hope the Pt 2 results are being loaded now and the usual tell for Pt 2 (of enrolment expiry in four years) also works. Else, its gonna be a long day.
The problem is people are making general statements. Just clarify your unique situation..., so you're not just generalizing.