Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
ha when I passed L3 of the CFA, I called them (without giving my name!) to make sure the results were final - I get a little paranoid


Well-Known Member
guys, beyond the discussions can all of you please give credit to David? He deserves it! And not to forget Nicole as well.
To all those guys who liked my contributions (in particular in the field of Investment Risk): even if I passed both Parts now I will more than ever be part of this forum sharing my ideas and be there to help you!


New Member
Nailed it! Thank you so much David for the excellent study material, with a full time banking job and limited time available you made it possible!

I saw letter and quantiles 15 mins ago but now they disappeared also to me.

My quantiles: 22322


Nailed it! Thank you so much David for the excellent study material, with a full time banking job and limited time available you made it possible!

I saw letter and quantiles 15 mins ago but now they disappeared also to me.

My quantiles: 22322

where can we check the quantiles? Mine is still empty


Well-Known Member
not yet, but don't freak out here. it's close to midnight in the US and the mail will come through during the day. All will be good.
I need to digest it myself as well, because it was a game on very thin ice leaving out some chapters of the readings.
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New Member
If you log on to Garp and go under "my programs" on the top there are results there- but nothing is showing still when I go to exam results under my name. I'd like to think it's final (since it says I passed) but I would have bet that I didn't.... does anyone have a fail under my programs? Maybe it just defaults to pass as a start?


Well-Known Member
come on, how stupid is this? If it says 'passed', it is set in stone. Why the hell should they change results randomly? How often do I need to repeat this: quartile results will come through during the day. Don't panic! It's not even the 3rd of Jan in the US yet (in many regions). Be happy that results are already posted on the webpage and take a rest in the meantime.