Paranoid Panda
New Member
I think the first line of the question did say that the firm was in financial distress and what would happen if volatility decrease /sub increase
Also to add to the questions there was one on the stable funding ratio of the bank which totally blew my mind.
and also whether to continue with a hedge strategy of a short put on the JPY USD Exchange if you want to protect yourself from further JPY devaluations.. buy / sell dollars and short more puts and combinations of that were the options
I also remember one that asked what would decrease the impact of collateral-
a short margin period or a high threshold and minimum transfer amount
kind of also remember something on how would the new basel recommendations put a strain on liquidity ..3 of the options were more like improvements and then there was limiting rehypothecation which I chose.
Lastly there was one on how using libor instead of OIS to value the swap positions would affect the trading desk of the bank
It was close between reducing exposure and thereby risk with a smaller discounted value or making funding value adjustment easier.
Do not remember if the position was uncollateralised or not that would make it very easy to decide between the 2.
Also I thought the exam was extremely tough.. I know its supposed to be more challenging than the cfa but this paper made me feel like no matter what I read I would still be stumped by those cases on the exam
Hope this post makes all the confident and not so confident feel better about their chances.
I think the first line of the question did say that the firm was in financial distress and what would happen if volatility decrease /sub increase
Also to add to the questions there was one on the stable funding ratio of the bank which totally blew my mind.
and also whether to continue with a hedge strategy of a short put on the JPY USD Exchange if you want to protect yourself from further JPY devaluations.. buy / sell dollars and short more puts and combinations of that were the options
I also remember one that asked what would decrease the impact of collateral-
a short margin period or a high threshold and minimum transfer amount
kind of also remember something on how would the new basel recommendations put a strain on liquidity ..3 of the options were more like improvements and then there was limiting rehypothecation which I chose.
Lastly there was one on how using libor instead of OIS to value the swap positions would affect the trading desk of the bank
It was close between reducing exposure and thereby risk with a smaller discounted value or making funding value adjustment easier.
Do not remember if the position was uncollateralised or not that would make it very easy to decide between the 2.
Also I thought the exam was extremely tough.. I know its supposed to be more challenging than the cfa but this paper made me feel like no matter what I read I would still be stumped by those cases on the exam
Hope this post makes all the confident and not so confident feel better about their chances.