I request you to to eloborate the term means reversion. What it exactly means and how it impacts VaR.
Your editgrids are indeed elegant and educative. But unlike your webcasts exclusively I find it hard to follow (although I reapeatedly watch them) and learn. You indeed touch upon them in your tutorials but my diffculty is that while we concentrate on the concepts and AIMS content you push into our mind it is definitely and equally necessary to explain in detail these edit grids seperately like you did for distributions. Hope i am not taxing.
I still cherish your grid on Montecarlo in 2007 tutorials simply superb.
I request you to to eloborate the term means reversion. What it exactly means and how it impacts VaR.
Your editgrids are indeed elegant and educative. But unlike your webcasts exclusively I find it hard to follow (although I reapeatedly watch them) and learn. You indeed touch upon them in your tutorials but my diffculty is that while we concentrate on the concepts and AIMS content you push into our mind it is definitely and equally necessary to explain in detail these edit grids seperately like you did for distributions. Hope i am not taxing.
I still cherish your grid on Montecarlo in 2007 tutorials simply superb.