Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback


New Member
I think need to wait for next 12 hrs. After that we could see some action. And looks like change starts from level 1 candidates and then it will come to level 2.
I believe Garp follows these forum as well and they might have rectified the problems like change of status etc before the release of result.
Best of luck everyone


New Member
No update yet. But if results this time behave like those for November 2017 exam people would have indications (not confirmations) of passing or failing the exam in about 45 minutes. The first reported indications for November exams was about 45 after the time of this post a day earlier than GARP's offically announced date. Hope its good news for everyone
I just saw the following message (I did part I):
You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by May 2022. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate.

This means I passed, right?


It’s 12.20am in Asia on 28 June. I just went in. Told me to check back again. No exams to register. Dashboard still no results. Guess I’ll go to bed and wait for some news tomorrow morning. Good luck!


New Member
I wrote part I and see two orange boxes under "My program" tab:
1) "Reminder: You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by May 2022. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate."
2) Registration is not available while awaiting results.


Active Member
I wrote part I and see two orange boxes under "My program" tab:
1) "Reminder: You will need to pass the FRM Exam Part II by May 2022. Otherwise you will have to re-enroll in the FRM Program as a new candidate."
2) Registration is not available while awaiting results.

YES I see it too! Is this a sure sign of a pass?