Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback


New Member
To state that the GARP books are not adequate to pass the exam is absurd - people really need to reassess their level of commitment to this designation if they are claiming the exam is unfair or too difficult. If you want to quit because it is too difficult, then quit. The rest of us will continue working hard to achieve the worthy goal of earning the designation.

I think you are too harsh.. aren't people writing in this thread to express their feedback? not to receive a harsh judgement instead? Isn't that the purpose of this thread? You do not even write any single feedback in your comment. Maybe you are too smart for most of the people in the world, maybe you have very good experience in everything you have done in finance.. but please consider, some of these posts maybe came from university students who still taking uncertainty in exam results into frustration.


New Member
I think it is a question of efficiency. I read through all the GARP books first, mainly because I am interested in the subjects. However when it comes to actual exam preparation (hammering things into your brain), I would never recommend to work with GARP books - the risk is quite high that you loose yourself in detailed explanations without recognising the key concepts. It is the same as for the CFA: The original curriculum is extremely well written, however for the exam you need to know the key concepts and not a detailed derivation of some formula (for example).

I have a different opinion. If you read only key concepts, you might not be able to handle tricky questions (e.g. Someone might just memorize the equations and hope he can easily solve the problems... which is completely wrong). But If you really deeply understand the details (e.g. how the formula is derived), you can better handle the tricky one. Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Hoping to put an end to this with/without books back and forth. See the impact of FRM books below. The 73% pass rate you see at the BT home screen isn't with just BT.



Ahah! Same here. I don't know why since i'm sure I failed I shouldn't be anxious. But I am. Spent the worst june of my life. Everybody at work is worrying about brexit except me


Is the 28th of June date for the results confirmed or are we guessing? I can't see anything official on GARP's website.


Well-Known Member
GARP says 6 weeks which would be July 2-3 but based on previous release dates, they have released results on the Monday after week 5, so that is why the 28th is a guess.


I received an email from GARP saying result will be available on june 28:
Congratulations on completing the FRM® Exam. By demonstrating your commitment to risk management, you have taken a major step towards joining the field’s leading practitioners. Your dedication and drive distinguish you as a true risk professional.

Your official exam result will be available to you on June 28, 2016.

We encourage you to continue your GARP Individual Membership, which is designed to help you learn and maintain the latest skills and best practices needed to be successful in risk management.

We applaud you for taking this important step in your professional development and offer our best wishes for your future success.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
@brian.field and @devdutt.21

I think there was a little miscommunication in the above few threads. When @devdutt.21 wrote "GARP has officially announced results", to some it may have sounded like they have already announced the results if they read it quickly. I have to admit that when I first read it quickly, it implied that the results had been released. Everyone is a little bit on edge right now waiting for the results, and it can be a very stressful time. I think it was really only the wording that @brian.field was referring to. It's almost time. Only a few more days ;)



New Member
@brian.field and @devdutt.21

I think there was a little miscommunication in the above few threads. When @devdutt.21 wrote "GARP has officially announced results", to some it may have sounded like they have already announced the results if they read it quickly. I have to admit that when I first read it quickly, it implied that the results had been released. Everyone is a little bit on edge right now waiting for the results, and it can be a very stressful time. I think it was really only the wording that @brian.field was referring to. It's almost time. Only a few more days ;)

Oops.. that why I didnt score in TOEFL..