Lower Bound of Euopean Currency Put

Hi David,

Fr 2003 FRM exam,
-Current USD/AUD rate is 0.6650
-USD riskfree rate is 1%
-AUD riskfree rate is 4.5%
What is the lower bound of a 5 mth European put option on the AUD with a strike price of 0.6880?

Lower bound = Xe^(-USD rf x 5/12) - Se^(-AUDRF x 5/12)
Lower bound = 0.6880xEXP(-0.01*5/12) - 0.6650xEXP(-0.045*5/12) = 0.0325

My confusions:
1) Why it is different with p>= max(Ke ^ -rT - S0, 0)?
2) Could we adjust the strike price and then minus the current exchange rate? 0.6880exp(-(0.01-0.045)*5/12) - 0.665
3) Could we use strike exchange rate minus the calculate the forward exchange rate? 0.6880 - 0.6650 exp(-(0.01-0.045)*5/12)

Your advice, please.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Learning

The foreign currency (AUD) is treated like dividend yield (as in interest rate parity).
So it is it different than this: p>= max(Ke ^ -rT - S0, 0)
...because that assumes dividend yield = 0

if we converted the AUD rate (4.5) to its equivalent lump sum:
spot*(1-exp(-qT) = D
in this case, D = 0.012353 = 0.665*(1-exp(-4.5%*5/12)
...all i did there was convert a 4.5% constand "dividend" (foreign rate) into a lump sum dividend

then we could apply Hull 9.6:
p >= K*exp(-rT) - S0 + D
here: p>= 0.688*exp(1%*5/12) - 0.665 + 0.012353 = 0.032492; i.e., same result
...so that essentially converst the strike price

I am not sure about a third way...
