I am a new member and using BT website extensively. One feature which is not clear to me is the "New" caption on the course content/subject line. I am not able to know when is the last update made, how would I know --say for example I covered topic 1 marked as "New" today which may (or may not) still be marked as "New" a month later-- that content has modified. In short is there a way to find the last updated date for the content.
How long caption "New" stays on the course content?
It would be great if we could have a last date update as a field, that way it would be much simpler to know from the user perspective, I guess.
How long caption "New" stays on the course content?
It would be great if we could have a last date update as a field, that way it would be much simpler to know from the user perspective, I guess.