FAQ Before Exam GARP REGISTRATION - Name as it Appears on ID


New Member
I have a doubt regarding the registration.
When I registered at the exam, the Garp site asked me some details about my driver license.
In particular, it has been asked to write "Name as it Appears on ID ", so i put before my name and then my surname (when on my driver license I have before the surname and then the name).
Do you think that it can be a problem?
Thanks in advance,


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
I have a doubt regarding the registration.
When I registered at the exam, the Garp site asked me some details about my driver license.
In particular, it has been asked to write "Name as it Appears on ID ", so i put before my name and then my surname (when on my driver license I have before the surname and then the name).
Do you think that it can be a problem?
Thanks in advance,

Hello @filoshow

It would be best if you contact GARP directly to make sure that you receive an answer that is accurate. Here is their contact page with email and phone number information: https://www.garp.org/#!/about/contact-us.