FRM Results Nov 2010


New Member

Any idea when the results are going to be out?

David pls contribute. Have been anxiously waiting for it.



New Member
Damn ! Looks like nobody seems to pay any attention to the results ! Are you still depressed about November exam ? Maybe that a nice surprise is waiting to be sent to your mail box ;)

More seriously, i think they will be released as it was regarding CFA, that means we can expect them around 16 GMT.


New Member
The results for the May-Exam arrived around 17:30 GMT, but until then i think i'll check my mailbox more often than usual ;D


New Member
All the best guys:)

I dont think I cleared that exam. I am not going to write again, but I have no regrets, cause I learnt a lot whilst studying for the exam.


Truthfully, I am trying to decide what result I want. If I failed, then I won't attempt again and just not worry about it, but if I passed the first part, then I will get back the fees that I paid from my company. At that point in time, I would make myself start for the second part, but I don't really want to go through the effort of studying at this point in time as I know I will be VERY busy until at least mid-April. I am torn.


New Member
Another pass here - so that's level I in Nov 09 and now level II in Nov 10 - both with a lot of thanks to Bionic Turtle!


New Member
i got it too !! Thx David, because it may not have been the same without Bionic lessons :)

Have CFA L3 and FRM L2 left then i open champagne for all of u !

the luncheon meat

hey my first post ....

LOL i passed LEVEL 1 and failed LEVEL 2 ...

i am very thrilled cos i spent like 3 months (of which 1 full of week of leave b4 the exam) studying for the papers ...

gee FRM is a toture, to think i gave up studying 2 days before the papers.. and bascially prep my self to fail both papers .....

i finished level 1 at the very last moment and i circled 'B' for 15 questions without reading them! i finished level 2 in 30 minutes and left the hall cos my total prep time was 15 mins during my revision period ...

gee i am thrilled as this is beyond my realistic expectations ...

anyway, i have to admit i didnt use BT at all, and i only looked at some forum qns post....

my L1 results:
Foundations of Risk Management
You scored in the 2nd Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a solid understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored higher than the bottom 50% and lower than the top 25%.
Quantitative Analysis
You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.
Financial Markets and Products
You scored in the 2nd Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a solid understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored higher than the bottom 50% and lower than the top 25%.
Valuation and Risk Models
You scored in the 1st Quartile in this category. Candidates scoring in this quartile demonstrated a strong understanding of the subject area. These candidates scored in the top 25%.

For my L2 , i got 3rd quartile for 2 and 4th quartile for 2.

and now, L2 for may, i would like to ask the admin if purchasing the BT L2 materials is any use if i am "returning" some of the L1 content back as my L1 exam was quite a brain dump...



Seems like pretty good results all around. I passed part 1 with all scores in the top quartile. I am quite frankly shocked that I did that well. I had 0 confidence coming out of the exam. I did not take part 2 yet, so now it looks like I will need to take that exam. Not sure that I am happy about it or not. I figure if I am in the top quartile for everything, I should have passed easily. Don't know what the passing rate is yet.

The BT materials helped greatly, so thanks go out to David and staff for their work.


I haven't the foggiest, but it doesn't really matter as you can see the results from the webpage and I don't think anymore information is available in the email, though I could be wrong.

the luncheon meat

waiting for the email for the analyssi of resultd