FRM Part 1 Prep Guide


New Member
Hello, David. İ recently started studying for the FRM Part 1 exam. İ finished 2012.T1.a-Foundations Video and by the way, it was great. Now, İ want to do some practice questions that are covered in that video (more particularly, Chapter 1: The Need for Risk Management and Chapter 3: Creating Value with Risk Management). İ know there are thousands of questions posted by you, but how can İ find the questions only related to those chapters? Also, some PDF files are from previous years. Can İ still use them to study for 2012 exam?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Babak,

Thanks! As a paid member, you want to use the Study Planner @
We are constantly trying to update the planner with the relevant PDFs ... not all readings necessarily have PDFs (I do skip the less testable, in my judgement)
... but, for example, as long as you are SORTED BY TOPIC, you will see several T1. PDFs, including Stulz Chapter 3 (not 2012, but still applies: same AIMs)

I hope that helps? Thanks!