FRM P2 Practice paper 2017 Vs Actual Exam - Toughness


New Member
Hello All,
It is clrearly evident from the candidate posts/comments across forum thread that many of the candidate felt that actual exam has become taugher in 2016 when compared to previous years.
Most of the candidate stated that May 16 and Nov16 exams were relatevely taugh both in terms of quantative/Qualtitative perspective, plus more verbose (more to read to extract data).
Moreover, many of candidate highlighted that GARP practise papers was not a genuine reflector of what you see in actual exam. (Altough it is subjective)
I just checked the FRM P2 Practise papers for 2017, and my question is : Is it same (almost same) as the FRM P2 parcttise papers of 2016? if yes what would we infer from that?

Thank you for your Input in avdance!!

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @premseoul I didn't realize GARP's 2017 Practice paper has been released, thank you! @Nicole Seaman can you get us copies, please?

Historically, the overriding feature of these practice papers is their tendency to re-use similar prior questions; for example, the 2016 papers greatly re-used 2013 questions (too much so), such that the "sample" was actually pretty narrow in terms of the domain. My first question about the 2017 practice papers will be, did GARP write them freshly to update according to the syllabus (or, rather, do the questions tend to represent a recycling). I do not know the answer! We will post back with an update as we learn more, but thank you for the heads-up and for the good question!