FRM exam results release date

[email protected]

New Member
Hello everyone,

This is a question in equal measure to Suzanne and David (i.e. people behind Bionic Turtle) and to all November candidates. As per GARP's e-mail, we can expect our results no later than Jan 2nd 2014 (at least for level 2... I'm guessing level 1 is the same). "No later" means it can - theoretically - be sooner, but November 2012 results were announced on or around that date, first business day of January 2013.

I don't know about you guys, but I find this date rather odd. It means that the pending results will loom over many candidates' Christmas and New Year's holidays (I know they will loom over mine, given unexpectedly high level of difficulty...), that's one, and two, I find it a little implausible that GARP staff will be grading, verifying, and discussing pass rates throughout their Christmas and New Year's holidays, only to reach consensus the last minute and send the results out in January.

I asked GARP (on their Facebook page) to take this into consideration; they haven't replied, and that's ok, I didn't expect them to, it's a sensitive matter, probably not something to discuss on Facebook, but I would like to know how other Candidates feel about this, and what your thoughts in this matter are. Maybe there is a perfectly valid reason to release the results only in January I haven't thought of?

Kind regards,

Wojtek Buczynski


New Member
The May 2013 results came out in late June (was scheduled for July 2). My guess is most of the work (grading, passing scores) will be done before Dec 20. Note the people deciding on passing score will generally be out on holidays during the last two weeks. There might be some system work after christmas. The button will pressed on Jan 2 because they do not want mess up anybodys new year celebration. At this time machine has probably done the grading already.


New Member
I agree would TS, my only concern is whether grades are going to be sent even before New Year, around 27th Dec or so.

I remember last May 2013 grades were sent like three working days before schedule. Crossing fingers :p

[email protected]

New Member
I think GARP's point of view might be "let's spare the failed candidates bad news before Christmas and New Year, so as not to spoil their holidays". I can appreciate this point of view, but I personally find no news (usually) worse than bad news. Hence the polite request to powers that be to maybe release the results before Christmas after all...


New Member
I have sat for Part II this November and I was now trying to sneak peak into Garp's website where I tried to register for FRM Part II in May. Strangely, it accepted my inputs and took me till the stage where I need to put my credit card details for payment? Does this mean by any chance that the results have already been posted in Garp's system and I did not pass? Donno hope not.


New Member
@Holmes for what it's worth, it took me to that stage too. If it doesn't let anyone get that far, please post!

BTW, there's a significant lag between submitting your name, and the next screen showing up. Don't get excited if nothing opens up in two seconds ;). Wait for more like 10


New Member
I have sat for Part II this November and I was now trying to sneak peak into Garp's website where I tried to register for FRM Part II in May. Strangely, it accepted my inputs and took me till the stage where I need to put my credit card details for payment? Does this mean by any chance that the results have already been posted in Garp's system and I did not pass? Donno hope not.
Hi, I have just do the same thing, but I received this message
GARP said:
Thank you for trying to register for the FRM / ERP Exam. Because you registered for the same Exam and the2013Exam results have not yet been released, we cannot allow you to register for the FRM / ERP Exam at this time. Once the results are published onJanuary 2, 2014at that time you will be allowed to register forMay 17, 2014Examination.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact[email protected].

btw, I have the same idea regard to everyone, I do want the result will be released before new year


New Member
@Holmes for what it's worth, it took me to that stage too. If it doesn't let anyone get that far, please post!

BTW, there's a significant lag between submitting your name, and the next screen showing up. Don't get excited if nothing opens up in two seconds ;). Wait for more like 10

same here :mad:

[email protected]

New Member
Please notice the wording in GARP's message: "Once the results are published on January 2, 2014". So it looks like "no later than" actually means "on", as it was the case last year.
I took Part 1 in November 2012 and got my results exactly on January 2, 2013. Like TS said, when I took Part 2 in May 2013, I got my results at least a week early (note that the Part 1 and Part 2 distinction is irrelevant since they offer both Parts twice per year and the results are released at once). Since there is no holiday complication occurring during the summer release date, I think it will be highly unlikely for an early release around the January 2 release date.

Best bet is just to make it through the next couple of weeks, enjoy your holiday and plan on January 2. Trust me, if the results are released sooner, I am sure this information will quickly find its way to your ears...


New Member
Three more days till Jan 2 and my stress level started building up over the weekend. The fear of unknown and firm date for the result are probably the reason. I know there is nothing we can do to change the outcome but I do not have a good medicine to handle this

[email protected]

New Member
Well it looks like this post wasn't entirely in vain... the results are out! And let me tell you, it hit me like a truck, I hate surprises, I really do... but hey, I passed :)