FRM 2015 Study Guide is out today

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
@RiskGuy and @machaang,

Here is an analysis that we prepared to easily view the changes in the curriculum from 2014 to 2015. Any readings or learning objectives in red have been deleted in the 2015 curriculum and any in blue are new to 2015. The rest remain the same, so it would be beneficial to begin studying the readings that have not changed.
I hope this helps!



New Member
Hello Nicole,
Thanks a lot for sharing this file, actually I need such file, I have 2013 GARP core readings for PART 1 and 2014 BT, this actually will be very helpfull.
And I want to know if I can buy only updates readings for 2015 FRM PART1?


New Member
GARP is still missing important pieces in risk management such as ALM and funds transfer pricing. While claiming to update curriculum every year, the content appears to change form rather then substance. GARP seems to lag behind PRMIA recently in term of transformation and curriculum improvement.
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