Elton & Econometric and practice questions in general



Hi David,

Also i was wondering if there are practice question for the new books added? i see that you have posted practice questions on the forum; would you be providing them under "practice questions" as well? it seems that it would be much easier to refer to one place to get a number of questions instead of reviewing your single questions on the forum?

If i just do the practice question questions under your "practice question", have i covered everything?

Should wait for the 2011 versions? or i can use the 2010 versions.

Many thanks.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi saray,

I add practice questions daily in sequence according the study guide. As a paid member, of course we don't expect you to step thru the forum one question at a time. Rather, we collect sets of questions in PDFs (announcing most recent on the newsletter) and, more importantly, the PDF sets are filed into the study planner:

.. The PQ PDFs also can be retrieved in how-to @ http://www.bionicturtle.com/how-to/questions/category/all/?product=level-1|level-2

In regard to Elton's econometrics, i will eventually add Elton-specific questions but they will NOT appear soon ... however, it does NOT matter in regard to econometrics: the AIMS are almost exactly the same as under Gujarati (2010). The switch from Gujarati to Elton did NOT materially change the testable domain of econometrics.

In regard to the study planner, please note: today (right now) our developer is finishing changes to improve its usability. So, very shortly, the planner will be more intuitively organized. For example, it will be obvious were all the Practice question PDF BUNDLES for (e.g.) quantitative topic are. Coding that will finish today, then Suzanne and i have a bit of organizing to do, but the new/better planner should be ready in the next 48 hours

Thanks, David