Edit Grids


New Member
Hi David,
I am not able to view some of the edit grids (and some of them take very long to open). Would appreciate if you can make the excel file also available.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Sathya,

I utilize 200+ EditGrids, this would be very time-consuming (and frankly, I am working every day, long day, to ready the cram session and additional flash questions). Plus it is not very efficient to discretely upload Excels: whenever somebody has a question about an EditGrid, I generally annotate it, etc, so they are somewhat in a continuous state of improvement.

Viewing editgrid (see www.editgrid.com ) should be no different than viewing, say, Google Docs; only a tight browser configuration or security would prevent it. I recommend you check your broswer setting. Virtually any browser should be able to view EditGrids.

Please also note: Excel export is built-in. Select File > Export As > XLS.

If you still cannot get your browser to see EditGrids, maybe you can send me a list and i will package up the Excels at my earliest opportunity. Thanks, David