Early Enrolment for FRM Part 1 Nov2010


New Member
Hi David,

I am too late for May 2010. Since I would not get much time to study, I was wondering if I can buy the BT FRM preparatory course early (say, in April) for FRM Part 1 Nov 2010 exams. Since my BT registration will be valid for 1 year from April, is it a good idea? I can enrol for the FRM program with GARP after June.
My only concern was the validity of the May 2010 material for the November exam. Are there any additions expected for the Nov 2010 Part 1?


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Manisha,

Since the introduction of the 2-level (L1 + L2), 2-date exam (May & Nov), GARP's updates the AIMs in Dec/January but once per year. The AIMs for May 2010 will be identical to the AIMs for Nov 2010. So, your plan (IMO) is fine and better than trying to sit for May given the short time-to-prep. Hope that helps, David


New Member
Thanks David for the response.

Regarding my Bionic Turtle FRM registration. Can I register in April for Part 1 and familiarise myself with your notes and tutorials gradually at my own pace or do you have a certain plan of action for students?
Would it be possible for you to give me an overview of the mode of preparation. I understand that your strength is your video tutorials, do you upload video tutorials/presentations for all the topics under each level or only difficult ones? Also, apart from the video tutorials and notes/presentations etc. if I still have some issues with a certain topic how do I get my doubts resolved.
I am a little confused because I have never really taken such online support before :(


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Manisha,

Re: Can I register in April for Part 1 and familiarise myself with your notes and tutorials gradually at my own pace or do you have a certain plan of action for students?

Currently, the member page is organized by FRM Topics (1 - 9) with the latest resource floating to top; generally, it is study help "at your own pace."
Since December, however, we have been working with a small team of experts (design, usability and development) to assist with our relaunch (immediately after the L1 Exam) and the new site will, in addition to continuing to support "at your own pace" contain much stronger "plan of action" support

Re: do you upload video tutorials/presentations for all the topics under each level or only difficult ones?
I upload for all topics (all AIMs). Here is the 2010 calendar:
... however, frankly, I give more some topics scant/quick coverage; especially, if it is list memorization, where i don't think i can add value, i fly through those slides ... I generally hover where (i) i can add value, (ii) it's a difficult topic or (iii) i can inform with our experience

Re: how do I get my doubts resolved.
Here on the forum, and the forum is only "best efforts." If you think about it, that is all we are priced for. More customized support would require much higher prices. And if you want individualized attention, then in truth, some of the on-site training providers might be a better fit.

Thanks for your interest, David