Gregory treats Default Risk as separate and distinct from Downgrade risk. This seems appropriate for higher rated bonds. However, if CCC is the lowest rating, i.e., with no rating below CCC except for Default, it seems that the Default Risk should equal the Downgrade Risk - this is not the case according to Gregory. Under Figure 14.6 in his text (Chapter 10), he states that, based on table 14.1, the probability of upgrade and downgrade for a A rated bond are 2.91% and 5.76% respectively (These probabilities exclude the Default probabilities.) He then states that the probability of upgrade and downgrade for a CCC are 12.2% and 0% respectively. It seems strange to me that someone would say a CCC bond has 0% probability of downgrade since it can be downgraded to default. (There is a default probability of 19.23% for CCC bond).....I suppose it is nothing more than semantics.