Conditional Expectation of MA(1)


New Member
E[(Yt- theta*(e_t-1))^2| omega_t-1] = E[(e_t)^2 | omega_t-1] = sigma^2

hmm, i need a little bit more clarification from here on, does anyone mind, showing the full steps?


Well-Known Member
1. Equation
From the definition Yt = e_t + theta * e_t-1
It follows that Yt - theta * e_t -1 = e_t
Plug that into the first expression and you get the second expression

2. Equation
Since e_t is independent of omega_t-1 it follows that also (e_t)^2 is.
That means E[e_t^2 | omega_t-1] = E[e_t^2] = sigma^2

If you have further questions feel free to ask.