Clarification_edit grid_2_a_2_skew_kurtosis


New Member
Hi David

A quick clarificaiton

In the captioned spreadsheet, I could not understand that why we have calculated the "Adjust for small sample bias" Row A13 and also Row A14. Also I could not find the formula for that in the screencast.

Can you please explain the logic.



David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Sumit,

I don't have a logic for it (sorry): I inserted only to reconcile Gujarati's sample skew/kurtosis with Excel's skew/kurtosis
(for myself, but also because, somebody will invariably ask: why does Excel give a different answer?)
So, I do not mean to confuse, it is not covered in the screencast b/c Gujarati does not appear to use that version; so it can be safely ignored.
I suppose the only "lesson" we might collect is: these are sample (moment) estimators (i.e., recipes to generate sample satistics) and their can be more than one estimator. Neither is wrong, only their properties would tend to differ
