Hi David,
Apologies if this question is non-sensible or has been asked already (please tag a link if this question has been asked) but I just started preparing for an exam and I have one question so I know what to expect when I am learning it. Integration and calculus sort of questions as far as I know are not really asked on the exam. However, learning how to integrate will be beneficial on the exam, so my question is, how exactly?
I.e you have a question on P1.T2.301. Miller's probability matrix:
301.1. A random variable is given by the discrete probability function f(x) = P[X = x(i)] = a*X^3 such that x(i) is a member of {1, 2, 3} and (a) is a constant. That is, X has only three discrete outcomes. What is the probability that X will be greater than its mean? (bonus: what is the distribution's variance?)
Knowing this and how to perform calculation on example above, can you just give me one FRM question where the knowledge of solving above example would help me solve other related questions?
Thank you very much in advance.
Apologies if this question is non-sensible or has been asked already (please tag a link if this question has been asked) but I just started preparing for an exam and I have one question so I know what to expect when I am learning it. Integration and calculus sort of questions as far as I know are not really asked on the exam. However, learning how to integrate will be beneficial on the exam, so my question is, how exactly?
I.e you have a question on P1.T2.301. Miller's probability matrix:
301.1. A random variable is given by the discrete probability function f(x) = P[X = x(i)] = a*X^3 such that x(i) is a member of {1, 2, 3} and (a) is a constant. That is, X has only three discrete outcomes. What is the probability that X will be greater than its mean? (bonus: what is the distribution's variance?)
Knowing this and how to perform calculation on example above, can you just give me one FRM question where the knowledge of solving above example would help me solve other related questions?
Thank you very much in advance.