After the exam/Verify your Professional Experience


Active Member
Hello guys,
Trying to submit my work experience to GARP. GARP's instruction says we can verify the 2-year work experience by submitting our CV/Resume. I'm at the "verify your professional work experience" page here but there's no option to upload resume?

How did you guys do it? Copy and paste from resume or directly upload the resume?



Active Member
Thanks Matt, and did it get accepted?
If you work for a company for a long time and during those times you get promotions and change job functions etc., do you list each job title as an independent job? How would you do it in this situation? Thanks.


I'm still waiting, but I'm a CFA charterholder doing something similar to fund of funds management I'm not worried.

I put my start date in the date fields and within the body I explained some role and title changes with the dates included.