
  1. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T9.20.2. Factor theory: stochastic discount factors

    Learning objectives: Describe multifactor models and compare and contrast multifactor models to the CAPM. Explain how stochastic discount factors are created and apply them in the valuation of assets. Describe efficient market theory and explain how markets can be inefficient. Questions...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T9.20.1. Factor theory: What is a Factor?

    Learning objectives: Provide examples of factors that impact asset prices and explain the theory of factor risk premiums. Describe the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) including its assumptions and explain how factor risk is addressed in the CAPM. Explain implications of using the CAPM to...
  3. F

    Chapter 5 MPT/CAPM Spreadsheet

    Under the MPYT/CAPM notes, there are several illustrated examples. Is there a workbook resource that is available for me to see how these tables are actually generated. Im having trouble figuring out how to generate the eqtn for covariance(port, market)
  4. David Harper CFA FRM

    P1.T1.20.10. Multifactor models of risk-adjusted asset returns

    Learning objectives: Explain the arbitrage pricing theory (APT), describe its assumptions and compare the APT to the CAPM. Describe the inputs (including factor betas) to a multifactor model. Calculate the expected return of an asset using a single-factor and a multifactor model. Explain models...
  5. Nicole Seaman

    P1.T1.20.8. Modern portfolio theory (MPT)

    Learning objectives: Explain modern portfolio theory and interpret the Markowitz efficient frontier. Understand the derivation and components of the CAPM. Describe the assumptions underlying the CAPM. Interpret the capital market line. Apply the CAPM in calculating the expected return on an...
  6. J

    question about CAPM

    why is correlation included to solve the problem? I cant see anything in the notes when we multiply the two terms x correlation? Beta (i,M) = covariance(i, M)/variance(M) = 24%*15%*0.70/15%^2 = 1.12 <<- must know all of these steps! CAPM: E[R(i)] = Rf + Beta (i,M)*[R(M) - Rf] = 3% +...
  7. Nicole Seaman

    YouTube T1-9 Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)

    The CAPM is a ex-ante single-factor model where the single-factor is the market's excess return: it says that we should expect an excess return that is proportional to the stock's beta, which is the stock's exposure to market's excess return, as measured by the stock's beta. Beta can be...
  8. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T8.700. Theory of factor risk premiums (Andrew Ang)

    Learning objectives: Provide examples of factors that impact asset prices, and explain the theory of factor risk premiums. Describe the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) including its assumptions, and explain how factor risk is addressed in the CAPM. Explain implications of using the CAPM to...