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  1. P

    pass rate too high?

    You can find the historical pass rate by following this link. I do not think the pass rate this year is higher than most of the previous years. If we got illusion of high pass rate, I think it is because the base of candidates got greatly enlarged...
  2. P

    Anyone got their results

    Passed the full exam! Thank you very much, David. You are the best!
  3. P

    Anyone got their results

    So GARP is generating new type of operational "RISK". :-)
  4. P

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    Hi David, It was hard for me. I even thought that would be a surprise if I can pass after I completed the AM session because I felt so bad. I was only confident on less than half of answers through thinking and reasoning. Around 1/4 of answers are guessed by appling the tricks I gained when...
  5. P

    Some terms in Stulz's chapter of foundation

    Hi David, I feel a little bit confused about the several terms used in Stulz's chapter 2. 1. Shareholder and invester, do they mean the same thing? Can I interpret that shareholders are pure stock holder but investers could buy other asset like derivatives? 2. Firm , does this word...
  6. P

    Historical Simulation vs. Bootstraping

    Hi David, Could you please clarify if there is any difference between these two historical-based approaches? I wonder they are actually about the same thing. Thanks Patrick
  7. P

    A question on Monte Carlo Simulation

    Hi David, In Jorion's VaR, Ch12, P315 (Also in video slides) "The current value of derivatives is obtained from discounting at risk-free rate and averaging across all experiments, that is f(t)=E*[e^-rtF(St)]" The order for this calculation is: discount each future value back to current...