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    Suggestion for Forum participation

    Hi David, I recently found this site. I passed FRM in 2009. I began participating here. I noticed that in order to reply sometimes I had to code it in excel or derive the equations, read the background material etc, took a lot of time and then, also, I did not have access to certain parts of the...
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    CFA CFAs, share some tips plz.

    @Hend, That is awesome. Thanks.
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    CFA CFAs, share some tips plz.

    What are the advantages of pursuing CFA? What type of jobs become open to you? How is this compared to MBA?
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    FRM Fun 22 (Find the error in a practice exam question), P1

    Correction: even for multi-state, multi-year model, binomial distribution should hold once the marginal default rate for that year/state are determined - because from that particular state it can either default or not, just 2 states. Regards.
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    A brain teaser about QE3

    Hend, a good question, seemed very ordinary though. ShaktiRathore elucidated with details. The reason that the MP (monetary policy) and FP(Fiscal Policies ) are under different controls, I think, is because of purely technical issues. Federal Reserve, holder of MP, was created in 1913 in...
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    A brain teaser about QE3

    in 2006, US tax revenues were $2.6 Trillion USD. so $40B/Month, as in QE3, is small relative to that, and it is targeting MBS, to lower mortgage rates and stabilize stock market. It is surely inflationary like QE1 and QE2, and is clearly prevalent in anything we buy ( food and gas in...
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    Celebrating our 10th week of giveaways! Did you win? Check here for the week ending September 7th

    Ha, pretty lucky. One post and One gold star and One Win. That is a grand slam, not bad. Appreciate it. Please let it accumulate. Thanks!! Btw, link above does not navigate to the posting because it is an image.
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    Cope chapter

    covered in Cope
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    Put price when maturity tends to infinity

    It seems, d2 changes sign from positive to negative as relationship of r changes from less than to more than sigma^2/2. so if the vol increases or r decreases the d2 will shift toward negative. Here, it does not change the answer any. Thanks.
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    Put price when maturity tends to infinity

    as T->infinity, exp(-rT) ->0 d1, d2 -> +infinity N(d1)->1 and N(d2)->1 c=S N(d1) -K N(d2) exp(-rT) ->S <== so call will become equal to asset price. N(-d1)->0 and N(-d2) -> 0 ; p=K exp(-rT) N(-d2) - S N(-d1) -> 0 <=== so the put will tend to be zero put call parity holds, as c - p= S - K...