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  1. X

    How are you getting on with L1?

    Keeping a tally of hours I have done gives me a becnhmark as to how I am progressing with my study plan. For example 10 hours a week for 25 weeks. I like the idea of an AIM by AIM study plan but found this hard to plan for as the time taken per aim can vary greatly. Unfortunately for me work...
  2. X

    How are you getting on with L1?

    Just thought I'd post a quick thread to see where people are with their studies. I have watched all videos and gone through all notes but am finding practice question tough going. Quant is killing me right now. Having only spent 120 hours so far not sure if I'm along the right tracks. I know for...
  3. X

    Advice from people who have taken exam...

    Would any of you who have recently taken the exam be willing to share any tips / advice on how you approached the material? What worked for you and what didn't? Order of learning etc etc I'm hoping to take level 1 in May and am just getting started. Many thanks Tim
  4. X

    Practice questions

    Can you just clarify one thing on the practice questions. I have the practice questions from the study planner but do these relate to the questions in the forum under each topic heading? For example foundations there are the practice questions on the study planner then three pages of questions...
  5. X

    pre course prep

    Hi, I'm looking to take level 1 next year, either May if I feel prepared enough or possibly Nov. My concern arises with my lack of maths knowledge, although I am currently working as a risk manager so some concepts will be familiar. I know previous posts have talked about preparation material...