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    Exam Feedback November 2019 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I received my experience approval yesterday around 4pm. I submitted it on Jan 2 at 2am. One thing... my email says my certificate will be shipped on DECEMBER. That can’t be right, is it? Did anyone else get the same? Thanks
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    Exam Feedback May 2019 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Passed with 1,1,1,1. Thank you BT, David, Nicole! I have one question, does part 2 exam have as much theoretical questions as part 1? What is to be expected from part 2? Thanks!
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    Exam Feedback May 2019 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Very easy exam... Honestly it was way behind my expectations. BT helps prepare in details that make the exam look like a joke. Only tricky theoretical questions, but problems were just straight forward.
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    Callable bonds on discount and premium

    Hi Nicole, Thanks for the advice! Although i must say i tried this before and found close topics, but non that could answer my specific question. Thanks!
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    Callable bonds on discount and premium

    Hi David, Is there any relationship regarding a callable bond when the bond is trading at discount or premium? In what cases would the call be triggered? Also, i would like to know this same relationship for duration for those type of bonds. Thanks!!!