Let denotes the events that legislative passed as Passage: P , Stalled:S, Defeated:D
Respective probabilities of the outcome of above events is,
P(P)=probability that legislative outcome is Passage=20%
P(S)=probability that legislative outcome is Stalled=50%
P(De)=probability that legislative...
You don't need to remember every formulas but must look at the formulas and not them down on a separate notebook. Generally formulas would be given at back of your study material reed them also. i would suggest to prepare a formulas chart on a drawing sheet that are very important and essential...
one of the assumption of regression analysis is that the variance of the error terms should be constant. The error term is the difference between the predicted value by regression and the actual value for each observation.These error terms should show constancy of variance that is these error...
Hi there,
yeah operational risk has lot to read e.g. basel readings and sort. credit risk is also a demanding topic. In all its upto you to see that you cover these topics well. i dont see major differences between both the parts in terms of math involved and may be in part II its on a little...
Hi there,
FRm part I is quite the same in terms of difficulty , i do not see any major differences besides the topics you have to study. While the part I is more oriented towards covering basic tools and techniques to apply to the risk management framework the part II deals with covering major...
AB just to make it more clear,
If we invest 50 in risk free asset and invest 50 in portfolio then,
wB=.50, wA=.5
Now if we borrow 50 and invest it in portfolio with value 100,
wR=150% and wB=-50% so total weight is still 100%=wR+wB
similarly if the long position is 200 and then we first short...
For market risk: philip jorion
and for credit risk: ong.
also visit the folowing thread: http://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/books-helpful-for-frm.6101/
please see the full thread and the explanation given therein for relative and absolute VaR,
hope it helps
cost of equity is given by: Rf+B*(Rm-Rf) =re
RAROC>re => RAROC>Rf+B*(Rm-Rf) =>RAROC-Rf>B*(Rm-Rf)
Now [(RAROC-Rf)/B] is nothing but the ARAROC is the RAROC adjusted for risk of the project which is beta B. So therefore it follows,
=> ARAROC>(Rm-Rf) which is the decision...
hey hend late reply :),
debt ceiling as you mean from the question is the maximum debt that the US govt. can issue as authorized by the govt. But what is the meaning of phrase if debt issued exceeds the debt ceiling than is the debt backed by the full faith and credit of the US. Yes certainly if...
Hi jay use the Var-Covar matrix for this with which i think you should be aware of.
VARp= (Var matrix)*(VaR-CovarMatrix)*(Var matrix transpose) use formula of this sort and try out yourself...
VaR-CovarMatrix for 2 asset=
var1 covar1,2 ;
covar 2,1 var 2
for 3 asset:
see for the 100% fee waiver here:
And yes the program is too expensive. however for Asian delegates they do provide 60% fee waiver. you have to pay from part of your savings from salary. its upto you to go for the program, but in the ens its very...
So that make the overall pass rate to be 56%*46.7% ~26% which is well and good. So out of every 100 candidates 26 are able to achieve the designation which is good seeing the recognition of frm. But it could be made little lower say 20% but seeing that garp people want to see more professional...
For books related issues please visit the following:
as of tier iii package please see product offerings and its your choice to read books in your preparation.
Hi Finaspirant,
I would advise you to go with part I only in may . given tat your background is IT and you want to jump into the financial risk bandwagon i would definitely suggest to take your time and prepare for part I only for the time being and you can then take part II later once you have...
Hi Rikardu,
I would recommend you the following books: (i think the list should not intimidate you just go with 1 or 2 books which you feel is best)
1. http://www.amazon.com/The-business-Hedging-John-Stephens/dp/0273652036
2. Hedging Currency Exposures : Currency Risk Management
by Brian...
it will be released soon keep your patience. By the way i would tell you that as results are on 2nd jan please keep checking their website on 2nd jan for possible upload results. Anyways receiving the email of results is the confirmation of declaration of results. There would be a lot of people...
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