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  1. Maged

    Risk Measures vs Risk Controls vs Risk Factors

    Could you help in providing comparison with example for each category.
  2. Maged

    we already have one. Check with Manu

    we already have one. Check with Manu
  3. Maged

    IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Publishing Process for 2016

    @Tipo Thanks @Nicole Manley Hope to know the date of completion of all readings. I mean when will last reading be released
  4. Maged

    IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Publishing Process for 2016

    @Nicole Manley I appreciate your request about refraining from asking when each topic will be completed but I think that you should announce when full materials will be ready. I'm planning to join your program for P2 but I shocked when I found that there is no dead line. No one will accept to...
  5. Maged

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 1 FRM Exam Feedback

    Many Thanks I got Q: 2-2-1-1
  6. Maged

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 1 FRM Exam Feedback

    Will GARP send a mail with details or it's just view from dashboard
  7. Maged

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 1 FRM Exam Feedback

    I have passed :) Congratulations to all Results are in "My Program Area" but nothing in Exam Results.
  8. Maged

    FRM 2015 Statistics

    Here is CFA statistics CFA is around 180,000 (Est) in 2015
  9. Maged

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 1 FRM Exam Feedback

    Two weeks to know results
  10. Maged

    FRM 2015 Statistics

    41,722 Candidates in 2015 according to
  11. Maged

    Exam Feedback November 2015 Part 1 FRM Exam Feedback

    Most of feedback here & even in some other forums stating that Exam was easy. For me, i saw it as a very hard exam. I just covered 90 out of 100 Qs in 4h time. Best of luck to all
  12. Maged

    FRM Part I Exam on November 21st 2015

    Hi All, I have a few comments that could help others when reading this post later. Exam Exam was really tough even more than expected. Questions were very tricky and need deep understanding. A lot of questions were about VaR Expected shortfall. Nothing was about BSM except one 1 question as...
  13. Maged

    Good Luck on the Exam Tomorrow!

    hope to set a topic to collect feedback for Nov Exam @Nicole Manley
  14. Maged

    Explanation of Vasicek Model??

    How calculations will be changed, if it's required for two years
  15. Maged

    Is WACC included in FRM P1 syllabus

    Hi All, I found a question about WACC I'm not sure if it's included in our syllabus or not. Hope to get advice Thanks
  16. Maged

    P1.T3.502. Foreign exchange (FX) hedges

    Why I got permission error on trying to view the answers.