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  1. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I am not sure with Meadem's post, what happens if you are short some credits at the end of year? Do they withdraw your designation? Would be great to have some feedback on this from someone who is 100% sure how this is handled. Thanks! Overlap: @frmfrm: this sounds for convincing honestly speaking.
  2. E

    As I said, I will come up with some sort of summary about factor investing soon. Still...

    As I said, I will come up with some sort of summary about factor investing soon. Still collecting material to shine more light on factor investing beyond Ang's book. Hope it will prove helpful to candidates.
  3. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    How come? Did they tell you any reason why your work exp has been rejected? I am sorry to hear this, but do you have sth. at hand now (work) to get the required work exp under your belt by 2021/22?
  4. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I am neither questioning the effectiveness of the FRM certification process nor saying anything about the level of difficulty. I am just curious how they examine the submitted work experience. This is a completely different kettle of fish!
  5. E

    Deriving the Variance–Covariance for the Entire Stock Portfolio

    Hi All, I just wanted to reach out to all of you with an update about the Var-Cov matrix derivation. There is one learning question (64.2 I suppose) given in David's notes and I stumbled over this topic again in my work now after some time and would like to update you with some useful piece of...
  6. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Congrats! Apparently it takes exactly two weeks and seems to be the same for eyerone. What is more, I got the impression that the confirmation sent is an automated process (sent out just in the nick of time when two weeks are over). Curious to know who does the checking at GARP whether your work...
  7. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Have been certified half an hour ago. Check yours! Submitted on the 18th of Jan. Even more keen now to help here in the forum. Thanks David, once more!
  8. E

    it's too expensive to buy a hard copy I think. And what is more, we don't actually know if it's...

    it's too expensive to buy a hard copy I think. And what is more, we don't actually know if it's even woth it in the end. Have never heard about the authors, just came across the book on Amazon when looking for another one and thought it might be a good read...
  9. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Good to hear. If everyrhing is running according to plan (relying on the 2-week process of colleagues who submitted early in Jan), we could except to see the outcome either today or tomorrow.
  10. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Did anyone submit around before the 20th of January and got certified in the meantime? Just curious because I submitted it two weeks back and received no update so far.
  11. E

    Hi All, does anyone have a soft-copy (pdf) of the book "Quantitative Momentum: A Practitioner's...

    Hi All, does anyone have a soft-copy (pdf) of the book "Quantitative Momentum: A Practitioner's Guide ' by Wesley Gray and Jack Vogel?
  12. E

    if you send me your mail address I am happy to attach it.

    if you send me your mail address I am happy to attach it.
  13. E

    P1.T1.Elton_Ch13.xlxm - CAPM,SML

    Got the spreadsheet you are referring to, but have to admit that I can't see through what David is doing here on the spot. Why should there be 4 different weights? He computes that 56.8% weight in the market portfolio maximises the Sharpe Ratio, that's ok even if I did not replicate it myself...
  14. E

    I would like to join Deepak's wishes. All the best, David! Hope you have some time to relax...

    I would like to join Deepak's wishes. All the best, David! Hope you have some time to relax today and reflect on all your great work.
  15. E

    Andrew ANG, Chapters 6, 7 & 10

    Hi, There are no BT study notes for the new Ang chapters yet. As you imagine, the questions David comes up with do take some considerable time to write down. Anyway, these new GARP readings are highly valuable as you may have noticed that topics around factor-investing are discussed nearly every...
  16. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I did neither criticise him in person (it was a general comment saying 'someone who brings such a minimalistic view') nor does it matter how often someone has contributed to the forum! And what is more, we are talking about exam preparation and how useful the original books are and not whether...
  17. E

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    It's like at university and many people still embody the view that passing a particular exam is everything they need - everything else is irrelevant. In short, it's not just about passing the exam; it is all about what you get out of it in the long run. One should do this exam for your...
  18. E

    GARP's 2017 FRM Information Session + QA

    Thanks, David! I will check. At best, it would be nice if GARP has this webcast uploaded at Youtube at some point.
  19. E

    GARP's 2017 FRM Information Session + QA

    Go to 1. 2. FRM 3. Study Materials 4. and then download 'Learning Objectives'. On this page you can also purchase the GARP FRM books. Don't know about your 2nd question.
  20. E

    GARP's 2017 FRM Information Session + QA

    is there any link available for the broad public as well, Nicole? I want to make sure that those ignoramus out there who have never heard about GARP can access it. Thank you!