Studying for Part 2 and Career Benefits of FRM Program


Hi David,

I’m back for the second and final round of the FRM exam. I wound up taking a significant amount of time off (2+ weeks) from work in preparation for Part 1 (May 2012) and have decided that I do not want to sacrifice any vacation time in 2013 for part 2. With that in mind, I’ll take part 2 in either May, if time permits, or November 2013, if I don’t feel well-prepared by May without taking vacation.

Do you think I’ll be at a disadvantage for part 2 given that it has been more than six months since I’ve studied for part 1? I’m trying to gauge whether or not I need to consider reviewing material from part 1 in preparation for part 2.

I also wanted to let you know that studying for the FRM is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my career. I’m nearly certain that I was given the opportunity to move within my company as a direct result of having taken and passed at least one of the FRM exams (exam awareness seems to be quite high where I work). While I still wouldn’t say the FRM certification is a requirement for many jobs, I do think it can significantly enhance one’s profile and lead to new opportunities.



Active Member
Brezhnev, his face covered Panama, is on a beach resort of the Politburo.
Dog came and licked his genitals. Without changing his position, Brezhnev idly reacts:
- Well, it's too much, comrades!

Please remove this post. This is not the language expected in this forum.

Hend Abuenein

Active Member
Hi Robert,

I know you're waiting for David's advice, but for what it's worth, here's my experience with part 2.

I started studies for the May 2012 mid-Feb, and was left with only 10 days before exam for practice questions. I did the GARP mocks of past 2 years, I had expected not to pass because I could only cover the readings once and without writing notes or memorizing. Before the exam, I had the plan to retake the exam in November. But part 2 curriculum is different than that of part 1. It's not so deep, and there's a lot repeated from part 1. You won't need the concentration of studying we felt necessary in part 1. And I found the exam really easy, many questions repeated -at least in form- from GARP mocks. I passed by 2-2-2-2-4.

I wish you good luck.


Thank you very much, Hend. This is good to know. I still plan to study as hard as I possibly can and plan though. :)


Active Member

I hope this is not a big request.

Could you also share with me the following -
1) Basel II knowledge , information, repository of information, website links etc
2) Market Risk and Credit risk - books, website links and university courses.

I have been interested in a Financial Engineering program. However, there are too many colleges, departments and institutes that offer these.

Could you please share any information, resources etc if you have.


Hend Abuenein

Active Member
I'm sorry I don't necessarily know the answers to your requests.
I studied from Schweser notes mainly, but Basel material has a reference on the GARP Digital Libarary site.
Market & credit risk can be studied sufficiently from the GARP curriculum, or any notes.

Good luck