On the topic Study Notes: McGuire, US Dollar Shortage in Global Banking we are introduced to the Central Bank Liquidity Swaps and how the FED helped ECB to alleviate the shortage of USD on and after the GFC. There it says that the central banks can create any amount of money they need, but how this is done in practice by central banks? How do they create more currency? By issuing debt, expanding balance sheet? Doesn't this devalue the currency? What are the risks involved?
I know this can be done with securities as well. Central Banks can sustain liquidity for securities in crisis and i would to like to understand better how this is done.
On the topic Study Notes: McGuire, US Dollar Shortage in Global Banking we are introduced to the Central Bank Liquidity Swaps and how the FED helped ECB to alleviate the shortage of USD on and after the GFC. There it says that the central banks can create any amount of money they need, but how this is done in practice by central banks? How do they create more currency? By issuing debt, expanding balance sheet? Doesn't this devalue the currency? What are the risks involved?
I know this can be done with securities as well. Central Banks can sustain liquidity for securities in crisis and i would to like to understand better how this is done.