
New Member
Candidly for those that passed the exam please share your experience.How best is it to prepare for the exam for someone that has a typical hectic day at work.I need input from all those that passed.


New Member
I can offer a couple of suggestions but of course everyone is different so take it for what it is worth.

To overcome the hectic work schedule I get into the office 1 to 2 hours before most people arrive and spend that time studying. That way I get my study time in when I'm fresh. I find that after a long day I'm often too tired to concentrate and if something comes up that causes a late night at work (or a tempting social activity) then I don't study at all.

I would also suggest that you spend time developing a written study plan (use a calendar) and stick to it. Leave a lot of time for review, working problems, and taking practice exams. BT is very helpful in keeping on track thanks especially to the videos and also the other review materials.

Unless you are a lot smarter than the average FRM candidate the best approach is to start early, make steady progress, put in the time required, and practice answering as many questions as you can.

Hope some of that helps.