P1.T1.24.1. Challenges and Effective Practices in Risk Data Aggregation, Reporting, and Infrastructure

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Learning Objectives: Explain challenges to the implementation of a strong risk data aggregation and reporting process and the potential impacts of using poor quality data. Describe characteristics of effective data architecture, IT infrastructure, and risk reporting practices.


Alice and Bob, two bank risk analysts, are discussing the challenges they face with the bank’s current risk data aggregation system. Alice expresses concern about the recent errors they've found in the risk reports.
  • Alice: "I've noticed that our risk reports have had several inaccuracies lately. It seems like the data we're using isn't always complete, and sometimes it's not timely. We're making decisions based on this flawed data, which worries me."
  • Bob: "That's true. The problem seems to stem from our outdated IT infrastructure, which struggles to handle the volume and variety of data we need to process. Also, our data isn't standardized across departments, which makes aggregation difficult."
  • Alice: "Exactly, and without standardized data, we can’t accurately assess our total risk exposure. We’ve seen some departments using different formats for customer identification codes, which leads to discrepancies in identifying risk concentrations."
  • Bob: "We need to address these issues urgently. Poor data quality not only impacts our risk assessments but could also lead us to non-compliance with regulatory standards. Plus, it affects our ability to make informed strategic decisions."
Based on Alice and Bob's conversation, what primary concern needs to be addressed to improve the bank's risk data aggregation and reporting process?

a. Upgrading the IT infrastructure to better handle data volume and variety.
b. Implementing more sophisticated data analytics and machine learning tools.
c. Standardizing data formats across departments to ensure consistency in risk reporting.
d. Increasing the frequency of risk report generation to provide more current data.

24.1.2. Alice and Bob continue discussing the challenges of risk data aggregation and reporting. Alice shifts the conversation to the potential impacts of the existing issues.
  • Alice: "Given our challenges with data quality and integration, I'm concerned about the potential consequences, especially in terms of regulatory compliance and strategic decision-making."
  • Bob: "Absolutely, the last thing we want is a regulatory audit finding us non-compliant because of our data issues. Poor data quality could lead to inaccurate risk assessments, which in turn might result in inadequate capital reserves or misguided strategic initiatives."
  • Alice: "Right, and remember the operational risk incident last quarter? Our inability to integrate and analyze risk data promptly meant we couldn't react in time to mitigate losses. It's not just about compliance; it’s also about operational efficiency and risk mitigation."
  • Bob: "We definitely need a comprehensive plan to address these issues. Perhaps we should start with a proposal to management for an IT upgrade and more robust data governance policies."
What should be Alice and Bob’s immediate action plan to address the concerns raised about the bank’s risk data management practices?

a. Propose an immediate upgrade of IT systems to improve data processing capabilities.
b. Develop and present a comprehensive data governance proposal to management, including IT upgrades and policy enhancements.
c. Focus solely on training staff to manually check data for errors as a temporary solution.
d. Wait for a regulatory update before making any changes to the bank’s data management practices.

24.1.3. Real Eagle Asset Management is regulated by the FCA and has been flagged during a recent review for gaps in its risk management framework. The FCA raised concerns about the firm's ability to integrate and manage risk data effectively following its expansion into new business lines. The review highlighted issues such as inconsistencies in risk data aggregation, a lack of granularity in data that hindered precise risk assessments, and delayed reporting that could potentially violate compliance standards.

As a risk analyst, you are tasked with overhauling the firm's data architecture and IT infrastructure to address these FCA concerns. Your primary objective is to develop a system that enables robust, timely, and detailed risk data management across all operational facets.

Given the FCA's feedback and internal requirements for detailed and timely risk reporting, what is the most accurate first step for Real Eagle Asset Management to enhance its risk data architecture?

a. Reduce the granularity of data collected to simplify compliance with data protection regulations.
b. Implement a centralized data warehouse that integrates data from all business lines and regions, ensuring unified risk analysis and compliance with FCA reporting requirements.
c. Limit the scope of data collection to reduce IT infrastructure costs.
d. Shift focus on manual data aggregation methods to ensure data accuracy and control.

Answers here: