Optimize the time management fro FRM Exam


Hi Everyone,

How do you will manage the time for FRM EXAM? I mean what is in your opinion the best strategy?

- Look for all easy questions first (until number 100) and then go back to the ones you did not answer

- Look every 10 min where you are and accelerate the process if you have delay

- Skip questions that need more than 1 min and come back after


Thanks for your inputs


I think what will work for me is 25 questions per hour. I'll check the clock when I'm around the 15th question to make sure I'm on track and speed up or slow down accordingly. Of course skip and come back to (if I have time) whatever question seems like it's taking more than 2minutes to figure out.
Assume you are taking L1 for first time. In Nov 2010 L1 the exam was frontloaded with 15-20 longer math questions. This was a rumor I heard that turned out to be reality. It seems like a strategy of theirs to make the tight time window even more stressful by doing this.

I just answered the 100 questions in order, I did not want to get cute. I kept careful pace and was able to finish, with about the last 5 at a faster pace then I would have liked.

I never took an exam where I skipped around, so I was not comfortable with doing it that way. With a scantron sheet the last thing I wanted was the added stress of making sure I was not messing up the right answers in the right order.

If you are comfortable with it then do it, otherwise just keep careful watch on time and answer every question then come back if you have time at the end. But its very rare to finish L1 ahead of pace.

If you are using Kaplan, take the timed practice/final exams they offer to get a feel for it. Although those exams are not like the real thing.


I went in order on the exam with the exception of one question that i skipped and went back to. In the end, I just could't figure it out and guessed. I was behind the time schedule most of the exam, but caught up in the end as shorter questions were asked. I finished the exam with about 30 seconds left and not having to really skip any questions.

In the CFA Level I/II/III exams I was always finished with the exam at least 30 minutes before the deadline (with the exception of the Morning of Level III as one question drove me batty and I spent an hour on it). Half the time I was done with at least an hour left in the exam. Time was much tighter on the FRM Part I than any of hte CFA exams. Everyone tests differently, but if you are the type to get bogged down in a question, be sure to skip it if you feel it is taking too long.